TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.
TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.
TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.
TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.
TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.
TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.
TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.
TheMACACIbedbasesaredesignedintheworkshopsoftheCompagniedesCaoutchoucsdu Pakidié (CCP). They are composed of locked wooden shells that meet the TOP standards-anti bug-El treatment. These shells are then covered with 100% natural latex sheets (thickness between 5 cm – 7 cm). MACACI mattress bases increase the long life of your mattresses and furtherimprovetheircomfort,astheyabsorbmostoftheweightandpressure.Theyofferafirm support and a flat surface. The latex sheets enveloping the box springs ensure safety in case of an impact by eliminating the risk of accidental injury. Sizes vary according to the needs expressed.